今回のアップデートでは、iPad ProおよびApple Pencil、そして3D Touch機能をサポートしました。

カテゴリ: 写真/ビデオ, 仕事効率化 販売元: Pixelmator Team - UAB Pixelmator Team(サイズ: 93.8 MB) 全てのバージョンの評価:

「Pixelmator 2.2」の新機能
Pixelmator 2.2 for iOS works great on the iPad Pro, fully supports the new Apple Pencil, adds 3D Touch support, and more.
Pixelmator now works great on the new iPad Pro
- Create and edit images with Pixelmator on the iPad Pro.
- Sketch and paint even more naturally with full Apple Pencil and palm-rejection support, as well as specially tailored brushes, featuring pressure, tilt, and acceleration sensitivity.
- Open and edit images up to 100 megapixels.
Pixelmator adds 3D Touch support on iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus
- Paint with 3D Touch-sensitivity.
- Press firmly on the Pixelmator icon on the home screen to instantly open your Pixelmator gallery, create a new image, or open an image from Photos.
- Press firmly on an image in your Pixelmator gallery to quickly preview it, duplicate it, share it, copy it to Photos, or to delete it.
More great improvements and fixes
- A collection of artist-designed Basic brushes, including the new Pixel brush.
- Enhanced crop and straighten performance.
- Auto-straighten to straighten images with a single tap.
- Cropping-lines now snap to objects in your composition.
- Ability to increase font size up to 1000 pixels.
- Pixelmator is no longer the default app for opening PDF documents from iCloud Drive.
- Text with a shadow is now exported correctly.
- Performance improvements and bug fixes.

カテゴリ: 写真/ビデオ, 仕事効率化 販売元: Pixelmator Team - UAB Pixelmator Team(サイズ: 93.8 MB) 全てのバージョンの評価:

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