今回のMac向け「Nozbe 2.3」アップデートでは、スクロールやサイドパネル間のナビゲーション、プッシュ通知とハンドオフがより高速化されスムーズに機能するようになっています。また、多くのバグの修正も行われています。

「Nozbe 2.3」の新機能
New features:
- Better and faster scrolling
- Better and faster navigation between side panels
- Faster push notifications and Handoff
- Set proper language after click Log In Again button
- Parse other type of links in comments (i.e. evernote://)
- Fixed glitches in task list edit mode
- Set project attachment as favourite
- Delete project attachments
- Confirm Sign Up form with enter
- Print blocks in comments
- Print checklist ticks
- Set date (today or tomorrow) with day name
- Add Evernote notes to projects with # in the name
- Show preview when writing a comment
- Project/Category list refresh after sync
- Task order in calendar view
- Set proper due date for tasks in project templates
- Transform checklist into tasks and create project attachments when converting task to project
- Fixed glitches when launching the app
- Notification Center is cleaned up after opening a notification
- Fixed displaying 3rd party attachments added via old Nozbe versions (1.X)
- Fixed Today widget refreshing
- Sync improvements

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