OmniFocus 2 2.2.3(¥4,800)
カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ビジネス
販売元: The Omni Group - The Omni Group(サイズ: 22.6 MB)
全てのバージョンの評価: (60件の評価)
「OmniFocus 2 for Mac 2.2.3」の新機能
OmniFocus 2.2.3 includes crash fixes.
- Crash — Fixed the most common long-standing crash in OmniFocus 2.x
- Crash in Sidebar — Fixed a crash while dragging (our second-most commmon in the 2.2.2 release)
- Crash — Fixed a crash related to toolbar items.
- Crash — Fixed a crash updating the Perspectives menu when a perspective was deleted or invalidated.
- Crash — Fixed a crash rebuilding the database related to the Push preference pane.
OmniFocus 2 2.2.3(¥4,800)
カテゴリ: 仕事効率化, ビジネス
販売元: The Omni Group - The Omni Group(サイズ: 22.6 MB)
全てのバージョンの評価: (60件の評価)
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