7:26am PST: We are currently being targeted by a second DDoS attack and are working with our service providers to mitigate the issue.
10:17am PST: The criminals have launched their second wave of DDoS attacks this morning. The ops team has reviewed the attacks and is working on building a second line of defense to neutralize this new attack. To make breaching those defenses harder, we can not communicate as frequently as we would like on the status of our infrastructure changes. But this second wave, although stronger, should be neutralized faster than the first one. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your support and understanding as we work our way through these waves of attacks.
11:30am PST: The second line of defense is up and wave #2 has been neutralized. You should be able to access feedly via feedly.com, feedly mobile apps and third party apps. These criminals are determined to try to extort some money and we are determined to say no to extortion and focus on building a stronger feedly instead. Thanks again for your overwhelmingly positive support throughout the last 2 days.
今回も、「繋がらない」場合にはDNSのキャッシュをリフレッシュしましょう。 または、DNSのキャッシュが期限切れになるのを待つという手もあります。WindowsおよびMacでのソフト的なDNSのキャッシュのクリアするコマンドを記しておきます。
- コマンドプロンプトで「ipconfig /flushdns」と入力します。
- DNSキャッシュが削除されたか確認するには、コマンドプロンプトで「ipconfig /displaydns」と入力します。
- OS X Mountain Lion または Lion ターミナルコマンドで、「sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder」と入力します。
- Mac OS X v10.6 ターミナルコマンドで、「sudo dscacheutil -flushcache」と入力します。
▶︎ Denial of service attack | Building Feedly
・Feedlyがダウン? ネットワーク障害? DDoS攻撃などのアタック?
・Feedly再びダウン 第2のDDoS攻撃により現在サービスは停止しています。 スタッフは現在奮闘中!
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