
カテゴリ: ニュース
販売元: Silvio Rizzi - Silvio Rizzi(サイズ: 7.7 MB)
全てのバージョンの評価:96件の評価 iPhone/iPadの両方に対応
What’s new
- Background app refresh (per account setting, disabled by default)
- Loading progress indicator for the in-app browser
- Smart streams now also support grouping by feed or date
- New setting to disable favicons for subscriptions/article list (see Settings → General)
- Reeder now can handle feed links (feed://) from external apps
- Added navigation pan (right/left) to toolbars and empty spaces in list views (in addition to the left and right screen edges)
- Added a drag handle to the browser toolbar to make it clearer that you can slide right/left to go back/forward
- Pocket integration now uses OAuth
- Pinboard integration now uses API token
- Sharing via Messages now includes the title and link
- Updated appearance of article list entries (moved the “unread dot” to the upper right of the row, same as in the current Reeder for Mac beta)
- That really annoying bug where an article might just disappear when launching the app
- Multiple Feedly accounts
- OPML import issues
- Disappearing status bar (white theme on iPad)
- Don’t select entries when scrolling
- Browser scroll issues with fixed elements
- Missing scrollbars in the browser
- Missing scrollbars for dark themes
- Improved Fever error handling (re-login bug)

カテゴリ: ニュース
販売元: Silvio Rizzi - Silvio Rizzi(サイズ: 7.7 MB)
全てのバージョンの評価:96件の評価 iPhone/iPadの両方に対応
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